Maple-Mustard Glazed Chicken Breasts

Maple-Mustard Glaze
Makes 1 1/4 cups
Soy can be substituted for the balsamic vinegar
2/3 cup whole grain mustard
1/2 cup maple syrup
1 T balsamic vinegar
Whisk together ingredients. Begin basting liberallly about 5 minutes before they finish cooking. Can be used on pork, chicken or seafood. The recipe serves 8. To serve 4 just cut in half.
Wow, I finally got the new Blogger to work!! I have been having some technical difficulties.
This Glaze recipe is from The Best Light Recipe book from the Editors of Cook's Illustrated. The cookbook is great with lots of information and comparisons on products. Also lots of illustrations on how to do stuff like trimming a chicken breast or pitting an avocado. It is definately not a typical light cooking book. There is a whole section on grilling lean meats with recipes for rubs and glazes. This glaze recipe could not have been any easier and was really tasty. It made waaay more then I needed though. It would be really nice on grilled salmon.
Anyway, I have this great new grill pan that I LOVE. It is a Le Crueset grill pan that actually came with the Dutch Oven that I bought myself with Christmas money. It was an excellent bonus and I have been using it all the time. I am still learning how to cook meat after being a vegetarian for 12 years.