
So, I am eating lots of salad. I do love salad with lots of stuff in it. And you know I love kitchen gizmos too. Well, this little salad bowl gizmo thing enables you to throw together a quick salad in the morning and put the dressing in the top separately. When you are ready to eat just PRESS and the dressing magically comes out of the little compartment onto your salad. Shake and you have a lovely tossed salad. I keep little containers or baggies of leftover stuff in the fridge like chick peas, canned artichokes, roasted veggies, cooked chicken, chopped veggies so it just takes a few minutes to throw it together. I love the organic salad greens that come in those plastic containers. I usually mix up a dressing that lasts around 5 days or so.

Today I used that tuna that comes in a bag that you don't have to drain, feta cheese, chick peas, canned artichokes and fresh herb salad.