Spritz Cookies
I was hanging out with LoLo last week and she mentioned wanting to get a cookie press. Well, I do love a kitchen gadget. We printed out our ACmoore coupons and went out to save some money. Lily, Charlie and Jack mixed the dough, pushed the button on the cookie press and frosted away and sprinkled away. Before long we were all covered in sprinkles and LoLo had to haul out the vaccuum.

I never really baked much before. But this sparked the baking frenzy in me. I came home and made more batches and more batches of spritz cookies. Then...... a tower of pizzelles, macaroons, brownies from scratch and cream cheese squares. I couldn't stop. I was buying Christmas Cookie Magazines as I went through the checkout. I had lost my mind.
This will definately be a yearly tradition.